Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Summer Fun

We had a Memorial Day weekend visit from Monique's cousin Gina, her husband, Doyle and their boys, Logan and Lucas. They were a week or so away from moving from Montgomery, Alabama to Ft. Polk, Louisiana as Major Doyle is one of those courageous souls that protects our country in the Army. He served in Iraq and is due back there next year. As always we had a great time with them. They have been our pit stop a few times when we do our Atlanta to Louisiana trek and we have been their pit stop when they did their Ft. Belvoir, Virginia (his last post) to Louisiana trek. Quadson and Leslie especially enjoyed the time with their cousins.

One of our stops during their visit was to historic, artsy Decatur, GA for an awesome festival. It was a great time. Being such an old town, all the kids were able to take advantage of climbing a very old, fat magnolia tree. They had a ball. There were a good 25 children all over this huge tree.

Uncle Doyle hangs out at the tree's base in the shade with Leslie Mykael. She loved hanging with Doyle.

No, that is not Quadson. That is his taller, twin, 6 year old cousin. When they have their backs to you, overlooking the height difference, they look just alike. They had a ball in between their spats. We told Lucas that we were so glad he was with us in Atlanta and being so challenging to Quadson, because our boy really "stood up for himself" even though Lucas was considerably taller and more aggressive. Lucas wanted Quadson to come home with them and Quadson cried as they drove away.

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