Friday, May 16, 2008

Mother's Day

Mother's Day started out quiet. Quadson and I had stayed up past midnite the nite before watching Star Wars, so he had crashed in our bed downstairs because I was too tired to take his limp body up to his room. I got up at 7:30 with Leslie, and she and I quietly whipped up some veggie bacon, wheat toast, sliced fruit, juice, and a nasty old runny fried egg like Monique likes them. I had the bed tray on the kitchen floor trying to involve Leslie Mykael, already prepped with a gorgeous square asian plate, linen napkin, flatware and daisies in a vase. I plated all the food and turned around to grab something from the stove. Ms. Leslie, behind my back, had pulled her little chair right up and was chowing down on that bacon. NO, NO Leslie, I said, whispering!!! Let’s take this to mommy!! Monique, perfectly, woke from her sleep to see us approaching her bedside with her tray and Q and Leslie began TEARING UP her breakfast in bed, while she read the handmade card where Quadson wrote his alphabet and added dino stickers, and Leslie had glued all sorts of stuff. Monique just took it all in as she dipped her toast into that gross, runny yolk. It was pure bliss and quite funny.

Photo of Mother's Day morning taken with my phone's camera. Both digital cameras were too full to capture this special moment.

The rest of Mother's Day was not so quiet. We had 15 or so guests over for dinner and to enjoy our new view in the backyard. It was so busy that we took not one picture except for this little display of a Hot Mama coffee kettle and Monique's card. It was a great day.