Friday, August 22, 2008

...and justice for all.

We started a pretty formalized schedule at Smith Academy. The kids start the day off with a simple breakfast and at 9-ish AM with attendance. I love hearing them declare "PRESENT!" We then do a devotional time where we focus on a Bible story or biblical principle, then spin off that with a related art project. We then say The Pledge...

Check out these videos

We introduced the pledge on Monday and today is Friday. I think we have some whippa-snappas on our hands. After the pledge, we dive into writing drills using different techniques. Then the kids have computer time for 15- 30 minutes. We are aiming to be done by noon for lunch, a nap, then wake up to playing and doing their own thing which a lot of times is some sort of reiteration of the lessons of the day. We are so blessed to be able to homeschool.

We found this great phonics/reading program online.