Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Something New !!!!!!!!!!

Hey folks,

Trying something new here (and more exciting) with a blog site, to keep in touch with you all, in lieu of our regular email communications to you. We will bring you Smith Family Update # 17, and as we become more acclimated with this medium for communication, look for new photos, possibly video and who knows what else.

For those who did not get updates ONE (Quadson's sonogram photo in early 2003) thru SIXTEEN (Leslie Mykael's terrible falls in early 2007)...sorry! If we had no email address(es) for you, we did not send you an update. An oversight of the head not the heart, we assure you.

To give you a little background on these updates, Monique and I, since Quadson's conception and birth, did not write down all of the pregnancy and birth milestones in those cute little books you get. We just could not stay on top of it. What I decided to do, being a person who enjoys writing, was chronicle all of our happenings in a journalistic manner solely for us, with the intention of giving all the entries in a booklet form to the kids for their enjoyment one day. We then took it one step further, and decided, why not share all these happenings with all our family and friends, some we see often and know our kids well, others who live in Los Angeles, Paris or Cairo, who see us and the kids rarely, to never. When I look back at some of these entries, I am so grateful for them, versus the fill-in-the-blank books and I strongly suggest everyone find time to journal in some way about whatever your heart desires. It can be daily or kinda quarterly like ours. Years from now, someone dear to you will be so appreciative of your efforts.

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