Quadson's soccer season went pretty well. He never really wanted to go each practice, because he hated how over-sized the shirt was, and the practices/games coincided with his naps, but once he got there and woke up after the 10 minute ride, HE WAS ON FIRE and did not want to leave. We originally thought they would be playing competitive games, but only the last two meetings were games, if that is what you could call a bunch of 4 year olds trying to all kick the ball. Most of the meetings were the kids learning simple soccer disciplines, kicking and controlling the ball, not using your hands, etc. After they grasped some of those, they had the kids utilize them playing "red light-green light, running the ball through cones, etc. They ended the sessions with duck-duck-goose, an old favorite, that Quadson called duck-duck-moose. Instead of running around once and taking a quick seat before being tagged, he would run around many, many times. He had never played this game before so that was funny to see. He liked the chase.

Leslie would often join him on the field after practice for some brother-sister play.

Quadson's team photo. If he plays next season as a 5 year old, he will be involved in more competitive play. We shall see.
Quadson at his Award Ceremony and showing off his medal with real engraving below.