Our kids had no official Summer break. We were glad to come across a sale of old school desks. We got these two and two others that we will be saving and moving to their schoolhouse in a year or so. They love schooling. Quadson concentrates well, occasionally getting off track. Leslie schools for a hot minute then is ready to move on. She is not ready for solo study yet like big brother.

Our daily lesson begins with devotion... a story or lesson from the Bible, then an activity that relates. Here, the kids do an antique-ing of the Ten Commandents that they had just learned...got to give them that old scroll look.

They like hands-on activities.
The boy can swim!!!!!!!!!!

Leslie ended the Summer months attending her cousin, Nadia's birthday party.

Monique, the lone carnivore in the family got a birthday treat when I took her to a Brazilian restaurant. There is a buffet of great salads, seafood and yummy sides, but for the course of your meal, these guys visit your table with a different slab of some kind of meat on this stick. She was in heaven.