Leslie gets aquainted with a new friend.
Leslie hangs out with the other daughters.
The girls catch up.
Very fun group of people. They had a great reunion.
Entry table at the "country club" for the evening event. Monique found out about and had the planning committee implement a cool name badge idea with the person's senior photo on it.
Cool cupcakes display.
Of course, with a bunch of Louisiana natives, the food was amazing.
Monique and Monique.
Cool cupcakes display.
Of course, with a bunch of Louisiana natives, the food was amazing.
Monique and Monique.
That is not an OKAY symbol I am making. That would be an O for Obama. Monique and her friend discovered via facebook before the reunion, that they were both Obama supporters, so this now-California sweetie would come up to us throughout the night and chant in a whisper, "Obama, Obama, Obama." We were probably amongst a great deal of folk who were not quite behind the President-Elect in conservative Southern Louisiana, a state he lost.
Very fun group of people. They had a great reunion.