Friday, November 21, 2008

Monique's 20 year reunion

Monique and the Catholic High School of Pointe Coupee Class of 1988 celebrated their 20-year Class Reunion in New Roads, the same weekend visit we had Quadson's Louisiana birthday party. The original graduating class numbered around 70 and a good 50 people showed up. There was an afternoon family cookout at an area pavillion, followed by a soiree that evening for the graduates and spouses, etc.

Leslie gets aquainted with a new friend.

Leslie hangs out with the other daughters.

The girls catch up.

Entry table at the "country club" for the evening event. Monique found out about and had the planning committee implement a cool name badge idea with the person's senior photo on it.

Cool cupcakes display.

Of course, with a bunch of Louisiana natives, the food was amazing.

Monique and Monique.
That is not an OKAY symbol I am making. That would be an O for Obama. Monique and her friend discovered via facebook before the reunion, that they were both Obama supporters, so this now-California sweetie would come up to us throughout the night and chant in a whisper, "Obama, Obama, Obama." We were probably amongst a great deal of folk who were not quite behind the President-Elect in conservative Southern Louisiana, a state he lost.

Very fun group of people. They had a great reunion.