We are such home bodies. The kids love being at their house. The kids here are chilling out before a little outing, watching a favorite program, Hip Hop Harry. Leslie is such a fashionista sporting her leg warmers, circa 1980s. She has 3 pair that she wears out and about and you would think she had on a mink with the attention she gets when sporting them.
Leslie studies about her favorite candidate for President. She holds her own rallies...singing and chanting OBAMA, OBAMA, on her own.
They both love to hang out on our bed.
Occasionally, we allow them to eat/make crumbs in our bed, especially if the bed is about to be stripped.
We love dinners together. Here, with mom at work, me and the kids feast on salmon, scallops, broccoli and brown rice, all made by Dad. So good.
There's nothing wrong with a little child labor. This is her new love...ironing.
We may have a budding artist on our hands. His coloring is excellent. All in the lines. He makes his work look like a stained glass window using multiple colors for the tiniest details. And he colors for long periods of time, really enjoying it.

Chef Mom "plated up" a black eyed pea succotash topped by a delicious piece of halibut with a sweet corn reduction all for...

Quadson gets some soccer play in with neighbors. He is signed and set to start soccer on Leslie's birthday, March 27th. He is on the homeschool soccer league. We love this parent-friendly league...8 straight practices and games on Thursdays from 1pm-2pm and it's over. Look for future postings with photos of him playing with uniform, shin guards, etc. His cleat shoes came in the mail the other day. He is most excited and already a pretty superior soccer player and athlete, in general. So it will be pretty interesting to see how he fares.